How to treat fungal nail infection + treatment tips

How to treat fungal nail infection + treatment tips

Fungal nail is caused by contagious fungi and doesn't heal by itself. If left untreated, the fungal nail infection could easily spread to infect other nails, or even family members.

In this article you will find a step-by-step guide to start your fungal nail treatment today.

Step 1: diagnose

Before treatment, always visit your GP for a diagnose to ensure you have a fungal nail infection. Not every nail infection is caused by one and the same fungus! Once you know you do have a fungal nail infection, it is time to enquire which treatment is right for you.

Step 2: advice

There are several ways to treat fungal nail. A podiatrist or medical pedicure is a costly way to treat fungal nail, but you can also treat the nail at home. You can freely buy home-treatments in your local drugstore or online

Step 3: treatment

Fungal nail does not heal by itself. Once the nail infection is diagnosed as fungal nail, you must start treatment immediately. It's important to prevent re-infection during treatment.


To ensure your newly bought fungal nail treatment will actually work, you have to prevent re-infection at all cost. Did you know your own shoes are the #1 source of re-infection? Before you can consider your infection to be 'cured'. Your infected nail has to completely grow out. This can take up to 9-12 months.

Tips to prevent re-infection:
  • disinfect shower/bathroom with chloride or vinegar
  • keep feet dry and clean
  • always wear clean socks (wash at 60°C.)
  • wear flips or sandals in the shower, gym or sauna
  • disinfect all your shoes or throw old shoes away

Disinfect your shoes!

Shoes are an important source of re-infection. Every time you step into contaminated shoes, you run the risk of re-infecting yourself!ProtectAir Shoe Spray disinfects shoes and protects them against reinfection for up to 10 days.

The shoe spray is sold seperately here or can be purchased in combination with the fungal nail solution here

Good luck with your treatment!

Buy now!

Complete Fungal Nail Starter Kit + Medical Shoe Spray
4,5 / 5
£ 25.90
£ 19.95
Fungal nail treatment (5ml)
4,6 / 5
£ 16.95
£ 12.95
Fungal Nail Promo Kit (2x Solution) + Medical Shoe Spray
4,4 / 5
£ 39.85
£ 28.95
2x Fungal nail treatment (5ml)
4,7 / 5
£ 33.90
£ 19.95
Fungal nail starter kit + medical shoe spray + breathable nail polish
5 / 5
£ 31.90
£ 26.95
Fungal nail treatment + breathable nail polish
4,9 / 5
£ 23.90
£ 18.95